Author Archives: admin

Welcome to Mum Eats!

food, eating

Eating is one of my passions + I guess this is quite inevitable. I have tried to resist to succumb to the call of dedicating an entire blog to this passion, but it has gotten the better of me + I just gave in. Thus, Mum Eats was born!

I hope you join me in one gastronomical adventure as I share bits of news, nuggets of wisdom, chunks of photos, on everything that is FOOD! Allow me to make your mouth water + if ever one or two of my posts inspired you to try out that particular food item, I will be such a happy camper! 😉

Cooking is also one of my frustrations, + I shall also share that struggle here, along with recipes I tried + recipes I’d love to try one of these days!

So, shall we embark on this delectable journey together? 😉